Dr Ines Fürtbauer

(45) Fele, N., Christensen, C., Bracken, A. M., O’Riain, M. J., Lurgi, M., Papadopoulou, M., Fürtbauer, I., King, A. J. (preprint) More dominant baboons have less and lower quality sleep biorxiv
(44) Fele, M., Fürtbauer, I., Lurgi, M., Papadopoulou, M., Christensen, C., Bracken, A. M., O’Riain, M. J., King, A. J. (in press) Baboon travel progressions as a ‘social spandrel’ in collective animal behaviour. Behavioral Ecology​​
​​(43) Pedrazzi, L., Naik, H., Sandbrook, C., Lurgi, M., Fürtbauer, I., King, A. J. (in press) Advancing animal behaviour research using drone technology. Animal Behaviour​
(42) Hahn, L. G., Sergiou, A. S. E., Arbon, J. J., Fürtbauer, I., King, A. J., Thornton, A. (in press) The co-evolution of cognition and sociality. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series B
(41) Fürtbauer, I., Shergold, C., Christensen, C., Bracken, A., Heistermann, M., Papadopoulou M., O'Riain, M.J., King, A.J. (in press) Linking energy availability, movement, and sociality in a wild primate (Papio ursinus) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series B 379:20220466
(40) Christensen, C., Bracken, A. M., O’Riain, M. J., Heistermann, M., King, A. J., Fürtbauer, I. (2024) More allogrooming is followed by higher physiological stress in wild female baboons. Biology Letters 2020240163
(39) Bracken, A. M., Christensen, C., O’Riain, M. J., Fürtbauer, I., King, A. J. (2024) Intrinsic and extrinsic factors combine to affect baboon movements across natural and urban environments Animal Behaviour 215: 97-109
(38) Morgan, A., Christensen, C., Bracken, A. M., O’Riain, King, A. J., Fürtbauer, I., (2023) Effects of accelerometry-derived physical activity energy expenditure on urinary C-peptide levels in a wild primate (Papio ursinus). Hormones and Behavior 152,105355
(37) Bracken, A. M., Christensen, C., O’Riain, M. J., Fürtbauer, I., King, A. J. (2023) Cessation of urban space use by a female baboon living at the edge of the City of Cape Town. Ecology and Evolution
(36) Papadopoulou, M., Fürtbauer, I., O’Bryan, L.R., Garnier, S., Georgopoulou, D. G., Bracken, A.M., Christensen, C., King, A. J. (2023) Dynamics of collective motion across time and species. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, series B. [Data: zenodo, Code: GitHub]
(35) Christensen, C., Bracken, A. M., O’Riain, Fehlmann, G., Holton, M.D., Hopkins, P.W., King, A. J., Fürtbauer, I., (2023) Quantifying allo-grooming in chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) using tri-axial acceleration data and machine learning. Royal Society Open Scienc
(34) Jarvis, D. M., Pope, E. C., Duteil, M., Fürtbauer, I., Brown, M. R., Davis, R. J., King, A. J. (2022) Elevated CO2 does not alter behavioural lateralization in free-swimming juvenile European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) tested in groups Journal of Fish Biology
(33) Raby, C., Cusick, J., Fürtbauer, I., Graham, K., Habig, B., Hauber, M., Madden, J., Strauss, A., Fernández-Juricic, E. (2022). An inclusive venue to discuss behavioural biology research: the first global Animal Behaviour Twitter Conference. Animal Behaviour. 187. 191-207.
(32) Christensen, C., Bracken, A. M., O’Riain, M. J., Heistermann, M., King, A. J., Fürtbauer, I., (2022)
Simultaneous investigation of urinary and faecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations reveals short- versus long-term drivers of HPA-axis activity in a wild primate (Papio ursinus) General and Comparative Endocrinology
(31) Bracken A. M., Christensen, C., O’Riain, M. J., Fürtbauer, I., King, A. J. (2022) Flexible group cohesion and coordination, but robust leader-follower roles, in a wild social primate using urban space. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
(30) Georgopoulou, D. G., King, A. J., Brown, M. R., Fürtbauer, I. (2021) Emergence and repeatability of leadership and coordinated motion in fish shoals. Behavioral Ecology arab108. [Supplementary_Material - docx file] [Supplementary_Movie_S1 - avi file] [Dryad - data]
(29) Bracken, A. M., Christensen, C., O’Riain, M. J., Fehlmann, G., Holton, M. D., Hopkins, P. W., Fürtbauer, I., King, A. J. (2021) Socioecology explains individual variation in urban space-use in response to management in Cape chacma baboons (Papio ursinus). International journal of Primatology
(28) McCann, R., Bracken, A. M., Christensen, C., Fürtbauer, I., King, A. J. (2021) The relationship between GPS sampling interval and estimated daily travel distances in chacma baboons (Papio ursinus). International Journal of Primatology [Movie of data (mp4)]
(27) Bailey, J. D., King, A. J., Codling, E. A., Short, A. M., Johns, G., Fürtbauer, I. (2021) ‘Micro-personality’ traits and their implications for behavioural and movement ecology research. Ecology and Evolution.
(26) Sankey, D. W. E., O’Bryan, L. R., Garnier, S., Cowlishaw, G., Hopkins, P., Holton, M., Fürtbauer, I., King, A. J. (2021) Consensus of travel direction is achieved by simple copying, not voting, in free-ranging goats. Royal Society Open Science [data - Dryad]
(25) Fehlmann, G., O’Riain, M. J., Fürtbauer, I., King, A. J. (2020) Behavioural causes, ecological consequences, and management challenges associated with wildlife foraging in human-modified landscapes. BioScience biaa129
(24) Fürtbauer, I., Christensen, C., Bracken, A., O'Riain, M.J., Heistermann, M., King, A.J., (2020) Energetics at the urban edge: Environmental and individual predictors of urinary C-peptide levels in wild chacma baboons (Papio ursinus). Hormones and Behavior 126, 104846
(23) Fürtbauer, I., Brown, M.R., Heistermann, M. [2020] Collective action reduces androgen responsiveness with implications for shoaling dynamics in stickleback fish. Hormones and Behavior  119, 104636
(22) Haunhorst, C., Fürtbauer, I., & Schülke, O., Ostner, J., [2020] Female macaques compete for ‘power’ and ‘commitment’ in their male partners. Evolution and Human Behavior 41,117-125
(21) Zhang, J. King, A. J., Fürtbauer, I., Wang, Y-W., He, Y-Q., Zhang, Z-W., Wan, D-M., Yin, Y-X. [2020] Facilitative effects of social partners on Java sparrow activity. Animal Behaviour 161, 33-38
(20) de la O, C., Fürtbauer, I., King, A. J., Valenzuela-Galván, D. [2019] A resident-nepotistic-tolerant dominance style in wild white-nosed coatis (Nasua narica)? Behaviour 156(9)
(19) Fürtbauer I., Solman C., & Fry A. [2019] Sheep wool cortisol as a retrospective measure of long-term HPA-axis activity and links to body mass. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 68, 39-46
(18) King, A. J., Fehlmann, G., Biro, D. Ward, A.J., Fürtbauer, I. [2018] Re-wilding collective behaviour: an ecological perspective. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 33, 349-359 doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2018.03.004
(17) Fürtbauer, I. & Fry, A. [2018] Social conformity in solitary crabs, Carcinus maenas, is driven by individual differences in behavioural plasticity. Animal Behaviour 135, 131-137 doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2017.11.010
(16) King, A. J. & Fürtbauer, I. [2017]. Collective decision-making. In: International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Wiley-Liss.
(15) King, A. J. & Fürtbauer, I. [2017]. Social networks. In: International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Wiley-Liss.
(14) Duteil, M., Pope, E. C., Pérez-Escudero, A., de Polavieja, G. G., Fürtbauer, I., Brown, M. R., King, A. J. [2016]
European sea bass show behavioural resilience to near-future ocean acidification. Royal Society Open Science 3(11), 160656.
(13) Fürtbauer, I., & Heistermann, M. [2016] Cortisol coregulation in fish. Scientific Reports 6, 30334. doi: 10.1038/srep30334
(12) Hansen, M.J., Ward, A.J., Fürtbauer, I.* & King A.J.* [2016] Environmental quality determines finder-joiner dynamics in socially foraging three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology doi: 10.1007/s00265-016-2111-5 *Authors contributed equally
(11) King, A.J., Myatt, J.P., Fürtbauer, I., Oesch, N., Dunbar, R.I.M., Sumner, S., Usherwood, J., Hailes, S., Brown, M.R. (2015) Social density processes regulate the functioning and performance of foraging human teams. Scientific Reports 5: 18260. doi:10.1038/srep18260.
(10) Fürtbauer, I. [2015] Consistent individual differences in haemolymph density reflect risk propensity in a marine invertebrate. Royal Society Open Science. 2: 140482. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.140482.
(9) Fürtbauer, I., King A.J., & Heistermann, M. [2015] Visible Implant Elastomer (VIE) tagging and simulated predation risk elicit similar physiological stress responses in three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Journal of Fish Biology. 86, 1644-1649. doi: 10.1111/jfb.12662
(8) Fürtbauer, I., Pond, A., Heistermann, M., & King A.J. [2015] Personality, plasticity, and predation: linking endocrine and behavioural reaction norms in stickleback fish. Functional Ecology. 29, 931-940. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12400
(7) Fürtbauer, I., Heistermann, M., Schülke, O., & Ostner, J. [2014] Low female stress hormone levels are predicted by same- or opposite-sex sociality depending on season in wild Assamese macaques. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 48: 19-28. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2014.05.022
(6) King, A. J., Fürtbauer, I., Mamuneas, D., James, C., Manica, A. [2013]. Sex-differences and temporal consistency in stickleback fish boldness. PLoS ONE 8(12): e81116 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081116
(5) Fürtbauer, I., Heistermann, M., Schülke, O., & Ostner, J. [2013] Female pre-mating season androgens reflect readiness to conceive in reproductively quiescent female macaques. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 151: 311-5. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22273
(4) Fürtbauer, I., Heistermann, M., Schülke, O., & Ostner, J. [2012] Brief communication: Fecal androgen excretion and fetal sex effects during gestation in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis). American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 147: 334-339. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.21646
(3) Fürtbauer, I., Mundry, R., Heistermann, M., Schülke, O., & Ostner, J. [2011] You mate, I mate: macaque females synchronize sex not cycles. PLoS ONE 6(10): e26144. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026144
(2) Fürtbauer, I., Heistermann, M., Schülke, O., & Ostner, J. [2011] Concealed fertility and extended female sexuality in a non-human primate (Macaca assamensis). PLoS ONE 6(8): e23105 10.1371/journal.pone.0023105
(1) Fürtbauer, I., Schülke, O., Heistermann, M., & Ostner, J. [2010] Reproductive and life history parameters of wild female Macaca assamensis. International Journal of Primatology. 31: 501-517. doi: 00640010.1007/s10764-010-9409-3